vs. ADS-B/FIS-B Weather
Offer Details: Activate a new monthly subscription plan to one or both of our (1) SiriusXM Aviation mid-tier weather package (SiriusXM Pilot Preferred or XM Aviator), or 2) Platinum Plan audio package, receive your first 2 months free, (a minimum of $59.99/mo and $23.99/mo savings, respectively) and get free activation (an additional $25 savings for SiriusXM packages (Pilot Preferred) or $37.50 for XM packages (Aviator)), for a minimum combined savings of $186.96 (for SiriusXM packages) or $199.46 (for XM packages). Fees and taxes apply. A credit card is required on this offer. Service will automatically renew every month thereafter and, at the beginning of your 3rd month, you will be charged at then-current rates. Please see our Customer Agreement for complete terms and how to cancel, which includes calling us at 1-800-985-9200. All fees and programming subject to change. SiriusXM reserves the right to modify or terminate this offer at any time. Offer is not valid for current SiriusXM Aviation subscribers.
NOTE: Not all devices are capable of receiving all services offered by SiriusXM. Current information and features may not be available in all locations, or on all receivers. Data displays vary by device; images are representative only. SiriusXM services may include weather and other content and emergency alert information. Such information and data is not for “safety for life,” but is merely supplemental and advisory in nature, and therefore cannot be relied upon as safety critical in connection with any aircraft, seacraft, automobile, or any other usage. SiriusXM is not responsible for any errors or inaccuracies in the data services or their use.
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